5 x 0. If you kill 20 zombies between the start and the peak day, the population on peak day will be 130 because it spawned 50 zombies over the starting 100 and you killed 20 total, and respawns are turned off. What you want can't be done with the current sandbox. Found info about how the Pop X, Start X and Peak X works. 0Originally posted by blackvoid: Not sure the game will allow 4x4 pop. If you disable respawn, yes the zombie population will continue to grow, its just the area's you have cleared wont have any respawns in them so after day 28 (if unchanged) if you. For the calculation it uses the default population according to distribution then it multiplies it for a factor depending on pop multiplier, peak, etc. 1; Peak population day 30 Settings #2; Settings: Zombie multiplier 1. 0, starting pop 0. Respawn Unseen. well a multiplier for the base zombie population. Coop game with a friend: 3. This means when you begin the population is 1. that full zombie population is determined by what you want as well. Leave the Population multiplier at 1. So I think that the base multiplier is just the base population setting (none, low, normal etc) and the starting pop is how many the game spawns at the start, so at . Project Zomboid ; General Discussions ;. 0 Strength Normal. Your peak day is a good pick. Say there are 100 zombies start, since peak is set at 1. 5 and make peak 1. This has been do-able for me. Put Peak day as 1 and ALL Zs will pop up at the beggining. 0, the total population will be 10x (2. ago. 5. Conclusion: In conjunction with Test 1 result, Peak Population modifier is applied to the MODIFILED desired/starting population at the start of the game. 0 So i assume the correct math is the following as the final conclusion from the so many other similar posts:1. 1, on default 72hrs, game will respawn 40 zeds every 72 hours. Ithaca_the_Mage • 1 yr. Even spread of shamblers / fast shamblers, 1. 0 for apocalypse I believe. and then on the peak day it will be 100 x 0. 1% Smart (since one can let a hoard in), 10% increased tough, Normal memory, sight, hearing. 5=6). # Adjusts the desired population on the peak day. Posted in the projectzomboid community. Project Zomboid. I suggest you crank up the population multiplier to max (4) and maybe the peak day to the same (or lower). I killed already 400 zombies around this fire station but they keep comming out of nowhere. 0 is 100%), it work in cycles so base 72 respawn hours is one cycle after that it will spawn it (not over 72 hours but nearly instantly). 5 for peak day equals 6. i start with zero zombies and they spawn in plus i have respawn off it works so. 0 and change the next two settings to manipulate how long it takes the zombies to fill in between start and peak. Population Start Multiplier: 1. PPM - Multiply by base for ending amount @ peak day. Population Peak Day 7 Transmission Blood + Saliva. 10, peak day 28: your starting population will be 10% of the Set population and will reach a maximum. Population peak day is a 28 days later reference. Setting peak day to 0 disables it, meaning that your base/starting pop are the only values that matter. Start multiplier 1. 5. Yes. (2x and 0. 35 (Low) and Population at Peak Day to 3 or 4 (High or Insane), and the peak day is 60. Project Zomboid ; General Discussions ; Zomboid Change Sandbox Settings ingame? Zomboid Change Sandbox Settings ingame? By Majestic December 3, 2015 in General Discussions. If you would kill the 100 zombies on day 1 and then don't touch the cell anymore, eventually there'll be 10 zombies in that cell on peak day. J's, this is a terrific overview of the important spawn variables (PopMult, StartMult, PeakMult) for folks to create their own versions of impending doom in Zomboid. If you put all 3 is hard, but still playable. So the zombie population will start at 6, then drop to 3 after. ago. You may want fire spread on but most servers have it off. 1 it should start you with . I like this settings because I imagine I’m. 5 Population Peak Multiplier: 2. CannaKingdom0705 • 2 yr. Use a lower MinutesPerPage. I killed already 400 zombies around this fire station but they keep comming out of nowhere. Most options have description for what they stand for when hovered over. 5 Population peak day: 56 (its up too you but as longer day you pick as more time you will have :) Respawn hrs: 24It will eventually grow over time into a 'Population Peak Multiplier' sized cup. High zeds = LOWER FPS but Lower Zeds and stronger stats + a bit of Respawning after 200 (0. Peak multiplier (PeakMult) of . Project Zomboid. Project Zomboid. Respawn hours is after respawn unseen then it will spawn zeds. I know the. Our server has been voted #1 server 2 years in a row!. I did some play tests. if you visit an area on or after peak day, then that area will spawn at max population. In 24 days, there will be 20 zeds where you had 10 at day 1. Death Jan 20, 2022 @ 11:59pm. Mortality 2-3 Days. I have zombie population set to high, also all 3 respawn options set to 0. The respawn is a completely different check, which will respawn a set percentage of total population at a set interval. to completely disable respawn peak multiplier needs to be equal to base. i played 60 hours of project zomboid last week, im in a point of dreaming about zombies screaming and bashing my doors. Project Zomboid. 5 peak multiplier, peak at day 28 (default, only turned off respawn). So that'd be 10 zombies respawned every 3 days. 1 so when the peak is reached, it'll be 110 zombies in that cell in total. lower to overall population and peak population. 1 = 10 zombies. Project Zomboid - Project Zomboid is an open-ended zombie-infested sandbox. 5;What does peak day population do? I set Population at Start to 0. 5 * 4 = 10). 01 graduations). 5, then the total will be around 26000. peak multiplier will artificially boost the number of zombies to that custom multiplier temporarily by the designated peak day (usually day 28 I believe). If you visit day 16, server spawns day 16 population. #1. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews. Take this info with a grain of salt. Lets say a cell has a base, no multipliers or peak mult working, of 100 zeds, with 1. Respawn Hours 0 Reanimate 0-12 hours. Here are my personal favorite population settings in Project Zomboid to make the game a better experience. -Peak mult: 2. 2015 um 12:10 Zombie population peak day cycles ^^ I noticed a setting for how many days until zombies reach there peak population. 1 start population and set respawn hours to 4 days or more (96 hours) with the respawn fraction 0. So at game start. 55-Peak. 75 population peak, will peak population be 75% or 37. The maximum total you can get is 16x, by doing pop and peak multipliers at 4. There is a Zombie Population Peak Multiplier that. Or did we???Check me out on twitch: setting. Population Peak Multiplier — The spawn multiplier increases from the lower bound (the Start Multiplier) to the upper bound (Peak Multiplier, up to 4) over the course of the game. 2. 5x first day) Your peak multiplier at 1. You may want to have starter gear. From my understanding, peak population is the ultimate population of zombies. 5 will make half your zeds (PeakDay Zomboid population = PopMult * PeakMult) despawn; for your settings, this would be by day two of game-play. 0 Peak multiplier 0. With this peak zombie day are there additional spawns occurring over time, that are not respawns? If a spot starts with say 5 zombies in it, and I leave that spot alone, does it at some point spawn a 6th, then a 7th, to eventually meet this "peak population" density?I have population multiplier 0. So that means that there actually was no peak number reached, because i always prohibitted it. x is a number predetermined by each cell individually. It will multiply from THAT baseline (i. 5 population on day 15. 0), the game spawns another 10, 1 by 1 to eventually reach the 2. Vinnie Mar 2 @ 6:53am. And the zombies are a Romero reference! Nah. Thanks for the help! If you have the population multiplier at 4 and the start multiplier at . 0 with Peak Day at 5 and the Cells in the left column will have ~500-600ish desired amount of zombies at the. Population peak day. The population multiplier alters the total amount of zombies that spawn, but it is important to remember that it is meant to be a modifier over the actual base setting of zombies at the "population" tab. . The shortest and simplest answer is yes. Advanced Zombie Settings Zombie Lore. I’m doing a The Long Dark meets Project Zomboid with max spawn settings set for day 1. The first day there will be a lot of Zombies, since they all spawn all over the place and starts migrating in the few days to different places. This means that if you set BasePopulation to x4. In my current game I have to fight over 50 to 100 per pocket to have a chance to go to bed. PPD - Gradual buildup until peak multiplier. When respawn is off, this pool won’t regain zombies and can be exhausted. 1. So you set the initial desired population and then the game starts at set multiplier and reaches your desired population at peak day. In theory, at this point, every kill reduces the server Z population. would be to implement but at it's most crudest could we not just have an option in sandbox to have respawn on until peak population day? so basically. 0; Peak population day 30 Let's just assume that town1 gets 111 zombies with all the multiplier settings set to 1. so you never kill a zombie in 28 days that cell will have 15 zombies. day and night active both. 5, all of your previously visited cells will behave normal but if you travel to a new area and spawn zombies they will spawn at a higher rate, let's say 150 in that cell now. Else one shout will bring 50 to 100 zombie your way. 0 and scales linearly (the tick rate so to speak would be your respawning rate, 16 hours default I think) until the peak day, which defaults to 28. No help is coming – their continued survival relies on their own cunning, luck and. Setting peak day to 0 disables it, meaning that your base/starting pop are the only values that matter. Solo game, CDDA challenge. I’m doing a The Long Dark meets Project Zomboid with max spawn settings set for day 1. 0 Toughness Weak. Then, you can tweak the initial population to a fraction because it's multiplied. 1=normal 2=high 4=insane. I spawned in Riverside and have a nice little base by the River (The two houses with the shed and garage). If your peak pop multiplier is 2. If peak value is non-permanent then I could simply set normal to 0. So it's about what day you first enter a "cell" and spawn the zombies in it. Are you looking for an Project Zomboid PvE Server? Then you have come to the right place. . Playable, but you have to. However, when i started to. start population is set to 1 and time to peak population is set to 28. I spawned in Riverside and ran to the river and then followed it all the way up to the bait shop and store on the edge of the map. Changing the population multiplier multiplies the number of in-game zeds. Ithaca_the_Mage • 1 yr. Theoretically speaking, of course. Trying to find the most realistic settings. Population Start Multiplier is your zombie amount on day 1. If you set base pop 2, start mutliplier 0,5, peak day multiplier 3, it will start at 1, and end that 6. e. 5 means there will be 50% more zombies by peak day. Population Peak Day - Default 28 - This is how long it takes for the game to go from Population Start Multiplier to Population Peak Multiplier. I know the reason might be because of population number, but still they are too much and seem to appear out of air. if you visit an area on or after peak day, then that area will spawn at max population. 1. Boyle reference. And yes. In a traditional game the base population is 1. ago. For example, if I set the pop multiplier and starting pop to 1, the peak pop to 2 and peak day to 5, if I set respawn rate to 0, are zeds going to spawn to achieve the desired increase in pop between day 0 and day 5 (the peak day)? Or is my map going to be stuck into the starting. If max zed number cell is 400 and rate is 0. It’s like a zombie movie with a little bit of L4D special infected. Default is 28 days. If I set 0. At 4 is kinda insane. So when you hit day 28, base population is now. so on the start of the game I turn their population down a little bit to 0,85 percent and leave population peak on vanilla settings. So 28 days after your game starts, all zombies in the game will. Ah thanks, this was what I was looking for! Hey monoxide! I was doing this just a few hours ago. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews. After max population day (and respawn 0), no new zombies spawn. Latest News Project Zomboid Population Settings Explained By Ragnok February 18, 2022 3 Mins Read Population settings in Project Zomboid can seem. not visited areas will therefore have 250% of their initial population after. Population Peak Day: 25. Population Peak X 2. Ya see-- there are two categories of zombies: Romero and Boyle. The max limit is hit on day 28.